It’s Not About Doing. It’s About Being.

For the past week, I’ve been fighting the flu. My nose and head are stuffy, and my ears are blocked. My kids were involved in a theater production, and there were lots of late nights, running around, and homework that hadn’t been completed. It’s been a lot of fun, but wow, my ten-year-old was cranky, and so was I. 

I’ve also had a confusing week as I process the question many of us ask: What am I doing with my life? My plans that I thought were God’s plans weren’t his plans after all. So as I snuggled up in bed, a box of tissues by my side, taking regular Tylenol, and sipping hot honey and lemon, I found myself asking God––What are your plans for me? What’s my purpose? And, when I was feeling my lowest, did I even have a purpose? Amid hallmark and action movies, naps, and hot honey and lemon, there didn’t appear to be an answer as I nursed myself back to health.

Today, I feel slightly better. Well enough to sit at my keyboard and type. Now, if any of you expect I received a magic answer to any of my questions, I’m afraid it didn’t happen. But God did whisper two things to me in the quiet of a Sunday evening and as I dug into the word this morning. 

The first was this Scripture:

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 NIV

And the second, 

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke10:38-42 NIV


After reading these two verses, I felt I was in front of an invisible stop sign. You see, I know what purpose is in my doing: wife, mother, friend, and writer. However, these past few months have been extraordinarily busy and I’ve been pressing forward with my own plans. And it wasn’t that the plans were inherently wrong, but I’d lost track of my being. You see, God gives us purpose in our lives––employment, relationships, serving, and volunteering. They’re an essential part of how we live for Jesus each day. But amid these activities, God is equally interested in our being with him … sitting at his feet, and listening … like Mary, did.

Sometimes my husband and I sit on our sofa, with me resting my feet on his knees, and sink back into the comfy cushions. We chat about our days: the problems at work, our kids, church, feelings, future, past, and anything that springs to mind. That time is about being together. The problem is when our lives get busy, we don’t get the time to do this, or we’re too tired, and then we get annoyed with each other. But we need that connection as we live our lives. 

Isn’t this the same with God? We know he’s always there. But we forget to stop and sit at his feet. He loves that time with us. He delights in our presence, and is eager to speak with us. But, it requires stopping. It doesn’t matter whether that’s at the beginning of the day, when the kids are napping or at school, or as you go to bed at night. We must be intentional about ignoring the chores and busyness, and laying down our purpose for those moments we sit at his feet.

Because the truth is, for all the plans he has for us in our lifetimes, he’s most interested in a relationship with us. I’d got a little lost in the doing, but for this morning, I found my way back to the being. I’ve sat at his feet, opened my bible, and listened as he spoke.

How’s your balance between being and doing?


A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

Thank you for taking the time today to sit at my feet. I want you to quieten your mind for a few moments. Pick up a journal and pen and write down a list of all your worries and concerns. Have you done that? Good. Close the book and lay it to one side. I’ve seen everything you’ve written and know my son is already helping you with that load. But at this moment, focus on sitting at my feet, hold your hands out, and focus your eyes on me. I am the almighty, the Alpha and Omega, healer, provider, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and I am with you. Be still for a few moments, rest in my presence, and know I am God. 

I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always. 

Love, God