Happy New Year


Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9


In the week after Christmas, I lost track of time, and what day it was, as the celebrations eased into quiet and reflection on the year that had been. I thought about the books I’ve read, key events that defined our year as a family, and whether it was a good or hard year. 

But at the same time, I looked forward to what was coming next. As the clock ticked toward midnight, there were moments when I couldn’t wait to cross the finish line into 2023 and wave goodbye to what was. But there had also been other times when I hoped this coming year would be as blessed as the one we’re leaving behind. 

Yet this cross-over into January won’t automatically change what any of us are dealing with––family dynamics, sickness, financial woes, job loss, etc. But there is something magical about the move from December 31st  to January 1st … it renews hope. Hope that we might lose the extra weight we’re carrying, hope we find a new job, hope we might meet the much prayed-for spouse, or hope the long-awaited pregnancy might finally happen. 

Over the past few years, I’ve found it’s been helpful for me to remember what Jesus’ birth accomplished: It birthed hope into the world that we would be reconciled to God, our Father. Jesus’ birth and life exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name above every name. 

Jesus is above our depression.

Jesus is above our financial despair.

Jesus is above our sickness.

Jesus is above our anxiety.

Jesus is above our exams.

Jesus is above our marital arguments. 

Whatever you are facing at the beginning of this year: Jesus is above it all. His name is more powerful, stronger, gentler, and more able to cope with anything that we face as we start this New Year. And you can rest in peace because his name brings us hope. But the hope of Jesus isn’t just above all of these things we deal with, because Jesus doesn’t just reign above it all … He’s with us in it all.

  • Jesus is in you when you are fighting depression.
  • Jesus is in you when the books don’t add up.
  • Jesus is in you when the infertility investigations are underway.
  • Jesus is in you as you face cancer.
  • Jesus is in you as you mourn those you’ve lost.

Jesus is in it all.


Yet when Paul wrote this passage in Philippians, it wasn’t necessarily to encourage us that Jesus was above it all as we faced our own lives. Paul was also imploring us to imitate Christ in our relationships with each other. 


If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others. Philippians 2:1-4


As I reflect on the lists above of what Jesus is Lord over and what he is in, it’s made even more beautiful if we take the above encouragement and imitate him as we face the start of this new year. To do so, we need to amend these declarations.

  • Jesus walks with those with depression … and so do I. 

How can you support your friend today? Maybe remind them to take a shower, eat, or go for a walk.

  • Jesus walks with those with cancer … and so do I. 

How can you support your friend? Bring them dinner, accompany them to treatment, and ask them what they need.

  • Jesus walks with those with financial problems … and so do I. 

How can you support your friend? Pray for them, encourage them, and ask them what they need from you (not necessarily finances unless you feel called by God to do that).

  • Jesus walks with those with infertility issues … and so do I. 

How can you support them? Ask them! For each person, it’s different.

  • Jesus walks with those who mourn … and so do I. 

How can you support them? Arrange a coffee date, sit with them as they tell you stories about those they’ve lost, hug them, and ask how you can help.

As we walk into 2023, we are full of hope because of Jesus’ birth. But we can also be hope-bringers as we love like Christ first loved us.

Happy New Year, friends. May your year be blessed.


A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

Happy New Year! Let’s celebrate the start of 2023 together. I have so many wonderful things planned for you … plans to give you hope and a future. I am with you in every part of your day. There’s no place you go that my presence will not be. Hold out your hand and whisper to me the desires of your heart, tell me your woes, and cast all your cares onto my son, for he can bear whatever you face. As you start this year, I am your strength, hope, and joy. And I am your Father. Do not ever be afraid to ask me for help because I. Am. Willing. 

Open your eyes to those I’ve placed around you. You can ask me how to pray for them, and I will whisper things that you can pray for. You see, I love to answer your prayers. And my son’s name is above every name. So, when you pray, there is power, authority, and a love so deep for you that I want to answer. If you pray for strength, I’ll send them my joy. And if you pray for a friend to know me, I will send them an opportunity to meet me.

 I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always. 

Love, God