God Cares About Your Mental Health

Like our physical health, we often take mental health for granted until it’s not good. Did you know in the United States, almost half of adults will experience mental illness during their lifetime? Maybe you, yourself, have experienced depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, eating disorders, etc. If so, you’re not alone.

Like physical illnesses, mental health doesn’t always affect people in the same way. For some people, the fact that they are able to shower today is a win. For others, the win is that they only purged their food once today. And for others, the win is that they made the decision to live. Unfortunately, mental ill health is one of the most undertreated illnesses–– sixty percent of people do not receive treatment. For the vast majority, the lack of treatment is not because their symptoms are mild. It’s because it’s hard to access treatment and to admit you need help.

Like any ill-health, mental ill-health can test our faith on a level we’ve never experienced before. We call out to God asking him for healing, yet a panic attack comes the very next moment. Or perhaps, like the women who pushed through the crowd to touch Jesus, you summoned up enough faith to do that. And nothing appears to happen.

A black hole of thoughts, negativity, and confusion can consume you as you fight for the day ahead. Well-meaning friends encourage you, “Don’t give up, keep praying, God’s got this.” All of which, without doubt, are truths. But their words might not bring much comfort when you are walking through this.

Why? Because the only one who can comfort you is the one who you’re crying out. But you may not get the answer you want (healing) … at least in timeframe you’re hoping for.

Like any health condition we cry out to God for healing for, there isn’t an easy answer to why God sends healing to some and not others. If you’re the one walking through this right now, know that my prayers are surrounding you as I write.

But like other health issues, there is treatment available. Therapy, Psychiatry, and Functional Medicine, to name but a few. However, the person must commit to making the decision to implement treatment suggestions.

Do I believe God can heal without treatment? Absolutely. Yet I also believe that he has given us understanding, learning, knowledge, and medications to help support people in these seasons.

While the bible doesn’t address mental illness as a subject by itself, there are several stories and verses that reflect this has been experienced by humans as part of their lives for thousands of years. And, what I love even more is that mental ill health is not dealt with in a category all of its own. It’s treated as a part of life, and the bible provides hope and declarations for those moments.

For example, David recorded many of his woes that we see today in the Psalms. 

In Psalm 6:6-7 he says: “I am worn out from my groaning. All night long, I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow, they fail because of all my foes.”

Have the words you’ve scribbled onto the pages in your journals ever looked like that? I know mine have.

Elijah fled to the mountains, hid, and begged God to take his life. This was after he’d performed a major miracle from God’s power. If God was able to deal with the prophets of Baal, you think he’d be able to deal with Queen Jezebel? Instead, Elijah fled.

Sometimes this mirrors my own life. I see God do something big, but then my own thoughts catch up with me, and I want to run. It’s in those moments that you’ll find me searching realtor.com. But in this case, the answer is not in a fresh start; it’s in the staying and addressing the worries, concerns, and hard moments of my life.

For me, I remind myself by declaring these words:

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all, he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Psalm 34:17-20 NIV

These words are for you, but you can also declare them on behalf of your loved one who’s crushed in spirit and learning to fight anxiety, depression, substance abuse, etc. God’s word is powerful; when you declare it, he answers. Sometimes we may not see breakthroughs and answers come immediately, but we can have faith that his breakthrough will come. 

Don’t give up fighting for freedom from mental illness. God is with you. You are not alone.

A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

I see you. You are not alone as the dark thoughts overwhelm you. Cry out to me like David did. I will deliver you from all your troubles. I am close to you and will save you. You are righteous, and my word declares that the righteous person may have many troubles. But I will deliver you from them all! My protection surrounds you. Don’t ever forget that. And when you’re struggling, cry out to me, I am by your side. 

I see you, my beloved; I love you. 

And, I am with you always. 

Love, God