Bearing Others

I have lots of favorite stories in the bible. But these two are definitely on that list. I love that Aaron was given a breastplate made from the finest yarns, strung together with the purest gold, and covered with precious gems: carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, turquoise, lapis lazuli, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, topaz, onyx, and jasper. Each of these gems represents Aaron’s people. The value of this breastplate was priceless and he was to wear it when he came into the presence of the Lord. Therefore, when he was making decisions in God’s presence, his people were close to Aaron’s heart

And then there’s the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus seeks the one who is missing. He desires to go after the one not walking with him, and he will not stop searching or giving opportunities to know him. He loves that much.

These two passages together make me think about my own family. Who am I wearing on my breastpiece as I come to Jesus daily? Who am I bringing to him as I seek to make decisions? And which lost sheep do I want him to go after?

A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

You are precious to me … more precious than each of the gems that Aaron wore on his chest. There is nowhere you can hide from my presence and no place you can go where I will not follow. If you are feeling lost, call out to me and I’ll be right by your side and will guide you to a place of safety. I will be your compass as you step forward. And if you have a loved one who doesn’t know me, bring them to me now … I hear every prayer you utter on their behalf––not a single one is wasted. I will seek my lost sheep.

I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always.

Love, God