
“Don’t be afraid, just believe,” said Jesus to Jairus. His unspoken words were equally as loud––ignore everyone else, listen to me, don’t be afraid, just believe!

Oh, if it was only that simple!

God rained down bread from heaven and gave instructions on its collection. God also planned to use this to test to see whether his people would do what he asked.

So many times, when the world has been shouting its lies at me (you’re a bad parent, a poor wife, you can’t write, you’re not slim enough, or fat enough … you are not enough), it’s hard to not be afraid.

And yet, we are not enough. We never will be. We need God to be walking alongside us as challenges come and for him to whisper his truth: You are the parent your child needs. I appointed you as wife to your husband. You can do what I ask. You are beautiful and made in my image. Don’t be afraid, just believe!

When the moment of testing comes and we have to choose that the bread God has provided for us is enough, we can declare the words loudly: I won’t be afraid … I choose to believe.

Whatever season you’re walking through in life now, these words are powerful because Jesus is the one who spoke them.

A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

Firstly, let me tell you again how I much love you. Just being with you brings me so much joy and happiness. I love spending time with you because you are the apple of my eye. I have a promise for you today and I want you to burn these words into your heart, soul, and mind: don’t be afraid … just believe. When doubts strike or hard times come, speak these words out and declare, “I’m not afraid. I believe.” I’ll guide you through and in those moments, my grace is sufficient for you.

I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always.

Love, God