January Dreaming

We’ve celebrated Christmas, welcomed the New Year, and may be dealing with terrible weather. We may have even overindulged during the holiday season, leaving our pants feeling a little too tight or our credit card bill a little too large. Or perhaps we’re just feeling out of sorts. 

All these things may be true, yet, January is my favorite season to dream. Maybe it’s the fresh crisp mornings. Or maybe it’s the thought of Spring coming. I could feel this way because my birthday is this month. And birthdays often offer an opportunity to consider the upcoming year. 

In the predawn quietness of January mornings, before my family awakes for school and work, I make myself a cup of coffee and ask God to help me dream. A dream is something we hope for, cherish the possibility of happening in the future, and something we work toward even when it looks unattainable. It’s a seed of something we nurture, prune, and grow. Yet a God Dream is even more powerful. It’s all of the above, but it’s watered and blessed by his grace, power, and authority. 

But how do we discover a God Dream? For me, it’s praying a simple prayer to help me dream. In those quiet mornings when I’ve done this, I found myself opening up before him and pouring out my hopes and desires for my husband, our world-changers, extended family, friends, health, finances, church, community, our society, and myself. Then once I’ve done that, I enjoyed the presence of his company. And then I go about the rest of my day as I take comfort in the promise of Psalm 37:5-6 (The Message) that states:

Open up before God, keep nothing back; he’ll do whatever needs to be done:

He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.

I’ve found that when I spend time in his presence he shows me through the bible, friends, and his presence what he’s asking me to work toward.

Sometimes dreams seem to take a while to come to pass: the gift of a spouse, a child, a home, a job, healing, etc. But even in the waiting, we can grow who we are as a person while we commit our dreams to him.

But some dreams take perseverance and belief, as the world would say they can’t happen.

Maybe you want to be a teacher but don’t have a degree. If God has given you the dream, there will be a way. It may take many evenings of late-night study sessions, and extra-hours to pay for tuition. But if God has asked you to do it … trust him to help you.

Or perhaps you want to the gift of children. Trust God to provide. There are many ways to parent, from biological children to IVF, or fostering to adoption. What makes you a parent isn’t how the child was conceived––it’s how you love the child in your care as they grow.

Maybe you’re dreaming of your marriage being restored. Frequently this dream takes hard work, commitment, counseling, date nights, honest conversations, and prayer. Or what if you’re in the midst of a divorce? Even then, God can give you hope for today and tomorrow. We can trust God with every part of our lives to create a future and hope. His word promises us that he’ll validate us in the clear light of day and stamp us with his approval at high noon when we open up before him and hold nothing back. All you need to do is come to him. Will you do that today and let him bless you with his dreams for you?

A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

Come and sit with me for a while. I long for you to ask me what my dreams are for you and I’m eager to show you. Some of my dreams will take hard work and perseverance. Are you willing to commit to that? Don’t give up; I’m with you every step of the way. I’ll be there on every mountain you have to conquer, and every valley you go through until you cross the finish line. But, I don’t just have one single dream for you. I have many. The more time you spend with me, the more I can reveal. Get into the habit of listening to my voice because my plans for you are exactly what you need and will bless you beyond measure. The world will try to tempt you away from my perfect plan for you. Don’t listen. Listen only to me.

I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always. 

Love, God.