Rejoice Always

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


We’re officially in the season of pumpkin spice lattes, caramel apples, and pecan pie. You can go on a shopping spree and buy the words grateful, thankful, and blessed imprinted on pretty much anything as we head toward Thanksgiving.

As we sit around the turkey each year, my kids know the question of the season is coming, “What are you thankful for?” The youngest laughs, and her eyes sparkle as she speaks of Roblox (a computer game), friends, family, and her dog. My older girls have been known to roll their eyes and say something so that we can get to the all-important roast turkey and dessert. But in between the eye rolls and sometimes hurried responses, our girls know the seriousness of the question as we ask it at least weekly at our family dinners. 

Why? Because as parents, we know that in the journey of life, there will be hard times and things they’re not thankful for. We want to help prepare them for those seasons when they need to hold on to the good in their lives. The truth is that regardless of how difficult life gets, we can always find something to be thankful for. But sometimes, we may have to look a little harder for it.

Like many of us, this was something I learned the hard way. There was a relationship in my life that had broken down. Tears ebbed and flowed in the initial weeks as I realized the conflict was no longer possible to resolve. But also, there was a relief. I no longer had to accept gaslighting––being constantly undermined, being told I was imagining things, things hadn’t happened, or that I was overreacting. I’d done everything I could to resolve it over the years. But the time had come to install a boundary and I mourned the loss of the relationship I’d hoped we’d have.

It would have been easy to dwell on my thoughts from the past: things I’d done wrong, could have handled differently, or why hadn’t I walked away earlier? But instead, my husband encouraged me to look at what I did have: my husband, three beautiful children, a family, a job I loved, and my Father in heaven, who cared about everything that had happened. 

But I struggled with Paul’s instruction to rejoice always, even in difficult seasons. It’s hard to show great delight when it feels like the world is crashing around you. But immediately after Paul’s words, he also instructed us to pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances. Paul knew this was a hard ask, as people grumble and complain.  

Yet in all situations, God is already aware of what we’re facing, how we’re going to handle it, and, thankfully, by our sides. God knew my relationship was going to break down. He knew the hurt my heart would be exposed to. He knew the feelings and discontent it would cause. By praying continually, I invited God into the brokenness rather than marinating in my own negative feelings. It wasn’t a magic touch and the feelings automatically went away. But praying, and bringing Jesus into the situation, gave him and me a chance to be touched by the supernatural presence of God. Bringing my attention to the good I did have in my life helped me realize it was a blessing that this relationship had gone. The person couldn’t hurt me anymore. And for that, I was truly grateful. 


There’s nothing like an upcoming family or Friendsgiving dinner to bring out hidden worries, issues, and concerns. If you’re worried about Thanksgiving, know that Jesus is your plus-one at the dinner table. As you enter the door, he takes your coat and walks you into the home, where you hug both those you love and those you struggle with. Then, as you take your place at the table, he reminds you: pray continually. And, as you do, he not only sits with you … he also sits with everyone you lift up.

How can you rejoice today? What can you pray for? And what circumstances do you need to give thanks for?


A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

I give thanks for you. I rejoice that you know me and follow me all the days of your life. I know there have been situations where you’ve acted out of anger, said things you’ve regretted, and faced situations you’d really rather run from. I want you to know that, even in those, I am with you. When you’ve been hurt, I am the provider of justice. When you need refuge from the pain of this world, I am your shelter. So, give thanks to me today for, in all things, I work for good. And share with me all the things that are on your heart, for I am listening. 

I see you, my beloved; I love you. And I am with you always. 

Love, God