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Something New

There are moments in our lives when we crave the start of a new season. Often it’s marked by something significant in our lives. Perhaps a birthday, the start of a new year, or even a new week. Or, maybe we are looking for something new because of a recent experience we’ve had. For example, a relationship breakdown, money worries, ill-health, etc.

Sometimes though, we seek change because of all the good things happening in our lives. For example; A healthy relationship can lead to marriage. Or maybe high school leads you to an apprenticeship, which leads you to work toward the dream of owning your own company. Or maybe like me, you take writing classes to develop your skills.

In our everyday lives, there is always something that makes us seek a fresh start. A 2014 Study from The Wharton School showed that the more significant the landmark events, the more likely we will reflect on our lives, and attempt to make changes for something we hope will be better. These life events are a good thing; they consistently create the needed motivational behaviors to bring the change required for that anticipated fresh start. Without them, we’re more likely to continue in old habits.

We’ve all seen the negatives of the pandemic. But, for many, there have also been positives. We’ve found the courage to get new jobs, move to a different church, a new home, a new state, and/or saying goodbye to a season of friendship in the hope of something different.

Recognizing our need for change as a common part of our human lives helps us as we walk with Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is the one thing that never changes. He is consistent in the uncertainty of life. What’s more? He knew these big life things, that sometimes we wish weren’t happening, would spark the changes we make. The result? He knows how it will turn out.

Like anything new, though, there may be multiple attempts to get to our new destination as change may not be immediate. To lose the weight I gained in pregnancy with my youngest took me a while, and multiple attempts, for example. And that child is now nine years old! Sometimes our fresh start journeys are going to take longer than we think.

But that’s okay. Taking a while to get where we’re going is perfectly fine. As long as we keep the “why” for the change of direction in the forefront of our thoughts, we won’t get derailed. What made us want to change in the first place? Remembering that can reignite our motivation and passion when it starts to fade. And that will keep us moving forward. Even if those steps are small, keep taking them.

God walks with us in every event of our life and every attempt at a fresh start; He is there at every beginning, middle, and end.

Remember, Paul tells us:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 CSB


Jesus is the author of our new beginnings and our something new.


A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

Did you know that because you are in Jesus, you are a new creation? It’s true! You are not who you once were. And you are not who you are becoming. But, you are exactly who I made you to be.


I see your desire for a new beginning, and, guess what? You have it. Right now. You are on your way.


But, my lovely one, I ask this … walk with me as you move in this new direction. And talk to me, too. I am listening, and I hear you. Tell me your troubles and worries. You can trust me! I will always be with you to share your burden and help you through challenging times. My help might not come in ways you expect, but I will be there to care for you no matter what comes. I am your fresh start. Every day.


I see you, my beloved; I love you.


And I am with you, always.

Love, God


For reflection;

  • What fresh start are you seeking? Why?
  • What’s one thing you can do that will help you reach it?
  • Who can you share your fresh start with? For example, friends, family, work colleagues, someone at church. And, if you are sitting there thinking you have no one to tell … it’s time to find your community. Join a church, a bible study, or take a class. We all need people in our lives. And, by sharing, they may just help you find the path you need to bring your something new into fruition.



Hengchen Dai, Katherine L. Milkman, Jason Riis (2014) The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior. Management Science Published online in Articles in Advance 23 Jun 2014