It’s not goodbye when Jesus is by their side

Two months ago my eldest daughter graduated from high school. As she stood smiling for the camera with her certificate in hand, I sat up a little straighter, face beaming, and my heart swelling with love. This was her moment to celebrate everything she has persevered for, overcome, and achieved. I thought we’d be celebrating all summer … I thought we’d have more time before I waved her off to college and the next steps of adulthood. 

But sometimes God has a different plan.

A few days before our world-changer took to the stage clothed in her academic cap and gown, she was offered an opportunity to intern two thousand three hundred miles away. That’s a long way for this momma’s heart. Yet it was one of those once-in-a-lifetime chances, the thing that when you are forty-something-year-old like me, if you hadn’t done it, you know you’d look back and regret the not doing it. So three days after graduation, we drove her to San Francisco airport, hugged her tight, and prayed for her as she started on an unexpected adventure.

As she cleared airport security, she stepped away from us, and into adulthood. We both waved farewell to the known days of having her at home, late-night trips to Target, watching Gilmore Girls on repeat, and our in-depth discussions about life. Tears fell, but happiness interlaced the drops of sadness, because our girl was on her way to do something that would spark joy in her soul.

In the days following her departure, I embraced the welcome quiet after all the celebrations. I watched our younger world-changers slip into the familiar summer mode, and I asked Jesus to ‘keep-her-safe’ every time I thought of her. I may also have glimpsed the ‘find-my’ app, once or twice, to know she was in her lodgings.

Today, I’ve said goodbye again as she starts college.

Letting go well is hard but helps our children step to healthy independence. God reminded me he set the example. He gave Jesus the freedom to deal with the same everyday situations we face––growing up, leaving home, hunger, work, friendships, disagreements, politics––and so our time has arrived to let our world changers go and make their own decisions. For better or worse.

But Jesus didn’t have to face life alone … Jesus called out to God, his father, on many occasions. We only have to google search to realize how many times people in the bible, including Jesus, are found calling out to God …


One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Luke 6:12


Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” Luke 9: 18


So when I pray to my father, “Jesus be with her,” It doesn’t matter if my daughter is in the room next to me or all those thousand miles away, Jesus instantly goes to her side in all his power, majesty, and glory and whispers, “I am here.”

And, when our girl texts her Dad or I for help, there’s nobody else I’d rather send to be by her side than Jesus Christ himself.


A love letter from God …

Dear lovely one,

I know your feelings about letting your child go. I know you’re frightened of not being there when things go wrong. But you’ve done a good job. You’ve prepared your child and you’ve prayed for them. I want you to know I remember every prayer you’ve ever uttered on their behalf. Not a single one is wasted.

Tonight as they sleep I will send my angels to watch over them. Then tomorrow as they face the day, I will whisper my wisdom and hold out my hand to guide them. You can rest easy knowing I’ve already gone before your child. I’ve made the way! It may not always be easy, but I will never leave or forsake them.

Lovely one, as you entrust them to the path of adulthood, don’t forget I still have plans for you. So take some time, rest, and enjoy this season for I am doing a new thing.

I see you, my beloved; I love you.

And I am with you always,

Love, God